Assistant Librarian Observations
Hey there fellow readers! I'm pretty sure that at this point, I'm still just writing to myself. I tried thinking of all the book review blogs that I like to read and what about them drew me in. For the most part, they are funny/witty. They put their own spin on things that resonates within me. I'm not sure how to find that voice inside myself yet. It's hiding. They also have their own personal take thrown into just the basic summaries. They have whole posts that don't revolve around books, but that pull me in. So today, since I am in a reading funk and not sure what I want to say about the stuff I've been reading, I will give you my observations from my new position as assistant librarian. via GIPHY It's the end of week two here among the wild species known as the public librarian. I ran out of things that I could do from the reference desk approximately two hours ago. (We opened at 9 am, which means I ran out of things to do an hour after openi...